I used to work in the corporate world. My job meant that I got paid well, but it also meant that I had to work 60 or more hours each week. Eventually, the amount of work simply wasn’t worth any amount of money.
I only mention this because it is the prelude to my discovering Tide Buy. After I left my job, I decided I would spend a year living off my savings. During that time, I would write a novel. It was something I had always wanted to do. This seemed like the only time I would ever have the opportunity.
Although I had saved a fair amount of money, I knew that it wouldn’t last very long. It’s easy to spend money. You can never have enough.
Also, and I might as well come right out and say this, I’m a little spoiled. Maybe more than a little. I grew up wearing nice clothes. I knew I would have to spend less money to make this dream come true, but I hated the idea that I might not be able to go shopping for a whole year.
A friend suggested that I look online, where I could find some sites that sell fashionable clothes at ridiculously low prices. I was skeptical. Sure, they might have low prices, but could they really compete with clothes from name brand stores?
It wasn’t long after this that I found Tide Buy. Boy, did that site change the way that I think about shopping and spending money. I made my first purchase hesitantly, still worried that the quality wouldn’t meet my expectations.
Well, I’ve been shopping with Tide Buy ever since. Now that I have had time to think about it a little more, it makes sense that this company can offer the same level of quality at lower prices that stores in the mall. After all, stores like Banana Republic and J. Crew get most of their clothes from Asia.
In this review, I will share some of my favorite and least favorite experiences with Tide Buy to help you decide whether it is a good place for you to shop.
About Tide Buy
Tide Buy is a global, online retailer based in China. It currently provides support in several languages and ships products to more than 200 countries.
Top Features of Tide Buy
There are a lot of things that I like about shopping with Tide Buy. The prices are definitely the biggest reason that I shop there, but there is a section below about that so I won’t write about it here, too.
Instead, I’ll share some of the other things that have added to my experience.
Big Catalog of Diverse Products
Not surprisingly, I mostly shop for women’s clothes. Let me tell you, Tide Buy has it all, including:








Coats and jackets
I don’t plan on having a child anytime soon, but if I did I know that I would get much of my maternity clothes from Tide Buy.
The list of items at Tide Buy certainly doesn’t end at women’s fashion. The site also has clothing for men and children. It even has some electronics, automotive accessories, sportswear, and home decorations.
In other words, Tide Buy has a whole lot of stuff.
I want to save money, but I’m not going to sacrifice quality for it. With Tide Buy, I don’t have to. Everything I have bought from them has had the kind of quality that I would expect from the clothing stores at the mall.
The Return Policy
If you have bought clothes online before, then you probably know that you’re taking a gamble with the sizes. Each company seems to have a slightly different way of sizing their clothes. It’s kind of frustrating, but it is what it is.
Most stores in the U.S. have pretty decent return policies. Some of the Asian companies I have looked at, however, aren’t as forgiving.
Tide Buy’s policy is more in line with what you would expect from a U.S. store. If you aren’t completely satisfied with the item you bought, you can get a full refund as long as you return it within 15 days.
If you want to return an item, you will get a refund within a week of Tide Buy’s receiving it. If you want to exchange an item for a different size, Tide Buy will replace it as soon as you return the one that doesn’t fit well.
Tide Buy Prices
Low prices is the number one reason that I shop with Tide Buy. The everyday prices are incredible… but it goes deeper than that.
Tide Buy always has coupons that can help you save even more money. The smallest coupon that I have seen was for 5% over a purchase of $90 or more. That’s not bad, but it’s nothing compared to the 10% coupon I recently got for a purchase that was just $120. I saved $12 just because I took a few seconds to browse the coupon section.
Flash Sales
Flash sales are where it’s at. If you catch something on a flash sale, you can expect to pay half price for it. Sometimes you can save even more.
The flash sales don’t last very long, so you have to check the site fairly often if you’re serious about saving money on a specific item. Even if you just visit the site every now and then, though, you will find some things that catch your eye. Go ahead and buy them. It’s as cheap as can be.
Mostly Free Shipping
Most of the items I have bought from Tide Buy included free shipping. If you want expedited shipping, though, you will have to pay more.
If you do end up paying for shipping, you will probably qualify for a discount. I recently saw on the site that orders over $49 got 20% off of shipping. Orders over $59 come with a 50% shipping discount.
Criticisms of Tide Buy
I’m a fairly impatient person. I have never liked waiting for things.
That’s the only bad thing about shopping with Tide Buy.

Tide Buy is located on the other side of the world, so it’s not surprising that it takes packages a while to reach me. I figured that they would take about a week. For the most part, that has been accurate. Nearly all of my orders have arrived in about that amount of time.
There have been a few, though, that took much longer. One week I can handle. Two weeks is really pushing it.
Those two-week deliveries don’t happen very often. In fact, I can only remember two times when I got concerned enough that I contacted customer service to make sure Tide Buy had actually sent my order. They had. The packages had just gotten stuck at customs.
Despite being an impatient person, I still shop at Tide Buy because the prices are so low and the quality is so high. Just be aware that your order will take some time to reach you. It’s not going to arrive within a couple days. If you need something that soon, then you should probably go shop at a local store. Otherwise, you’re taking a risk.

Customer Support for Tide Buy
I’ve only tried to contact customer service through email. It took a couple days for a rep to get back to me.
That’s a little too long to consider perfect, but it’s not so long that you can call it negligent.
Overall, I’d say the customer support is satisfactory. It won’t blow your mind, but it will get the job done.
Pros of Using Tide Buy
- Large selection of items
- Coupons
- Flash sales
- High-quality clothing
- Good return policy
Cons of Using Tide Buy
- Shipping can take a couple weeks

I’m not sure that I ever would have discovered Tide Buy if I hadn’t quit my corporate job. Just thinking about all of the money I would have spent unnecessarily makes me feel a little queasy. It’s hard to believe that I ever spent hundreds of dollars on each outfit. I’m glad those days are behind me.
With Tide Buy, I save money. More importantly, though, I still get to wear fashionable clothes that hold up well under daily use. If this stuff were garbage, I wouldn’t buy it even if it were just a few pennies. Luckily, that’s not the case.
If you feel that you’re stretching your budget a little too thin or that you should start putting your money to better use, Tide Buy is a good place to start shopping. Depending on how much you like to shop, it could literally change your life.
Take a few minutes to visit the Tide buy website, look around, and decide whether it has the kinds of items that you would like to buy. There’s a good chance you will like it as much as I do.