I’m a bit of a girly girl. I love to wear frilly dresses that are fun and cute. What I don’t like is spending a lot of money on clothes that, let’s be honest, a lot of times just aren’t that well made. I shop at all of the same stores as other young women my age. I go to the mall. I buy from some of the major online retailers. In my experience, I often feel like I’m spending too much on things that are not worth the money. I couldn’t tell you how many “nice” tops I’ve bought that started falling apart within a few months.
When I started college, I learned quickly that money does not goes as far as it did when I lived with my parents. Tuition is expensive and rent is a real killer. Like most people in my situation, I don’t have much money.
At the same time, I do not want to give up my cute clothes!
Realizing this sent me on a quest to find ridiculously cheap prices for incredibly cute outfits. There are a lot of websites that come close to matching those two requirements. Over time, though, I learned that some are much better than others. The websites that weren’t great eventually fell off my radar. The ones that stuck with me, though, are awesome.
DressLink is one of the discount clothing sites that has stayed on my list for well over a year. I only wish I had learned of the site sooner. I hate thinking about all of the money I wasted at other stores and websites!
About DressLink
For the most part, DressLink seems like your typical online seller. It has a good website that makes it easy for you to browse a wide range of clothes.
Other than my personal experiences, I don’t know a whole lot about the company. I know that it was started in 2012 (because it says so on the website) and I know that it has connections with suppliers all over the world.
Most importantly, I know that it has really cute clothes at prices even I can afford.
Top Features of DressLink
Since there are a lot of things that I like about DressLink, I’ll try to break this part up into sections so I don’t sound confusing. Some of the top features overlap, but I’ll do my best to write about them as straightforward as I can.
Flash Buys
Flash buys are the best. Every now and then, the site will choose a few products that it wants to unload at crazy discounts. Some of these items are 99% off. I have literally bought shirts for a few pennies.
That’s insane. You can’t even find that at the Salvation Army.
If you want to take advantage of the best flash buys, you have to visit the site often. Not all of the sales will interest you. I’d say I feel like I “have” to buy the for sale item about once every couple months. That’s not that often for me, but I bet a lot of other people think the clothes I pass on are just fine. Realistically, considering how cheap the clothes are, it’s probably dumb for me to pass on any of them.
Seriously, how to do they charge so little. It seems like the fabric would cost more than that!
Cash Coupons
Cash coupons are yet another way for you to save money at DressLink. You get the coupons for things like registering your email an writing reviews for products. Once you have the coupon, you can use it to save up to 15% on a product’s price.
There’s one thing I should mention. The product price does not include shipping fees. It is the price of the item and nothing else. Still, it’s a good deal. I have accumulated enough cash coupons that I hardly ever pay full price for anything (unless it’s on sale. You can’t use cash coupons for items that are already on sale).
Large Catalog
I’m a sucker for all kinds of clothes and accessories. On some days, I want a really cute skirt. On other days, I’d rather wear a pair of tomboy jeans. I think most women feel the same way. We don’t really like restrictions on what we can wear. Personally, I want a little bit of everything.
That’s easy to do when you shop at DressLink. The catalog is huge! It includes a lot more than just pants, dresses, and tops. You can buy shoes, bags, belts, and all kinds of accessories. The site even has a good line of sexy lingerie. The lingerie isn’t usually my thing, but it’s good to know I can get it at affordable prices when I decide to buy it.
Free Shipping (On Some Products)
You do have to pay for shipping when you buy from DressLink. The shipping prices are affordable, though.
If for some reason you just can’t stand paying for shipping, then you can avoid it by only purchasing select items. The website has a whole section devoted to items that include shipping costs. Just stick to those if you’re against paying a couple bucks for shipping.
DressLink Prices
I think I covered the prices pretty well in the Features section. Still, how great is it that this site has high-quality women’s clothing for under $10. And that’s when they aren’t even on sale.
You did see the part where I said I’ve bought shirts for pennies, right? That’s the kind of thing that I feel like I should mention twice. It’s that awesome.
Criticism of DressLink

I feel like I’ve gushed over DressLink enough. Now it’s time to talk about what isn’t great about the company.
If I was pushed to criticize DressLink, I’d have to mention the shipping times. They are all over the place. Some orders arrive within a couple days while others can take over a week. It’s not something that really bothers me, but I think it’s something you should know before you place an order.
It seems like the products ship from different locations. That’s the only way that I can account for the differences in delivery times. I think this has something to do with dropshipping. As far as I can tell, several companies advertise their products on DressLink’s website. When I place an order, DressLink handles the processing. But then it’s up to the original business to ship the order. At least, I think that’s how dropshipping works. I’m not an expert or anything.
Since a lot of the deliveries come from overseas, I think that they get held up at customs. Don’t even ask me why customs needs to hold a skirt for four days.
DressLink Customer Support
I’ve only had to contact DressLink customer support once, so I don’t want to act like I’m an authority on it or anything. My experience was good, so I can at least say that.
When I contacted customer service, I used the company’s email address. I had gotten something that just didn’t fit the way it was supposed to. The person who replied to my email made it easy for me to send it back and get a refund.
I know that the company also has a customer service telephone line, but I’ve never used it. I almost always prefer sending emails instead of making phone calls.
Pros of Using DressLink
- Incredibly cheap prices
- Flash buys
- Cash coupons
- Huge selection
- Accepts diverse payment options
Cons of Using DressLink
- There are occasional delivery delays

DressLink has really helped me diversify my wardrobe without spending more money than I can afford. Finding the company was a huge relief to me. It might sound silly to some people, but wearing new outfits always makes me feel good about myself. Putting on something new just seems to start the day off right. I was worried that I would lose that once I got to college and had to start paying my own bills. DressLink saved me from that.
Because of the delivery delays, I wouldn’t recommend buying something that you need within the next couple days. If you need a dress for a wedding this weekend, DressLink probably isn’t the right place for you to shop. You’ll just have to pay higher prices at a local retail store. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting your order after the event.
If you just want to add some clothes to your wardrobe, though, I would suggest buying some items from DressLink. If you’re a little apprehensive at first, you can make a couple of small orders to see how it works for you. In my experience, the clothes are made well. They’re at least as good as the clothes I buy at department stores.
DressLink is a great way to save money without sacrificing fashion. Give it a try. I’m happy with it, and I bet you will be, too.